Ramadhan kareem everyone ! :)
Jap sebelum tu, utk mendapat feeling yg best, boleh lah bukak zikir terapi diri, astaghfirullah by hafiz hamidun utk mendapat feeling entry ni. hewhew. oke tipu. Dapat pahala lah dgr zikir :)
Ermm there's a moment when everything is going terrible. everything is going wrong. semua benda masalah nk berlaku sekarang. kecik kecik and besar besar semua nk berlaku.
everything happen and u cant cope with all this things. dah mcm the worst moment in your life.
lose hope. lose everything. you're down and out, you just cant cope, you wanna shout, you lost all hope.
there are always challenges after challenges.
Allah tarik balik satu persatu yg bukan milik kita.
Allah tarik balik satu persatu utk apa yg kita tak perlu focuskan.
Allah tarik balik everything yg terlampau kita sayang and depend on.
when everything going miserable, speechless. tears going down.
the only word we can say is Allah..
lose hope.
everything getting worst and stagnant
bukan senang nk istiqamah.
everytime we try to get back up, we fall again.
fall and fall again and again.
there's a time when we want to say to ourself, 'please, just give up on everything'
kadang kadang kita terdetik utk menjadi normal person. just go with the flow. taknak fight utk dream. taknak fight utk apa apa yg dirasakan susah.
just ikut je telunjuk org lain. ikut je, and life will be more happier, no more stress, no more challenges.
teringat satu ayat ni,
tidak beriman sesorang itu, sehingga dia diuji.. T_T
ujian tu tanda peringatan, mungkin ada salah yg kita lakukan
ujian itu tanda Allah sayang..
ujian itu tanda Allah sedang didik kita for the next stage of life.
tak tipu, even kita kuat mcm mana pon, even kita dah arif dlm sesuatu bidang tu, ade moment kita rasa, ya Allah, susahnya.. terbebannya..
“Allah puts no burden on any person beyond what He has given him. Allah will grant after hardship, ease.”- 65:7
Whenever u say "it is too difficult" remember "Verily with every hardship,there is relief"-surah insyirah: 6
Whenever u feel "no one can Help me" just believe," be patient,for your patience is with the help of Allah" -Surah annahl:127
For those who always struggling, belief that "Allaah will not burden you more than you can bear " -Al-baqarah : 286
Allah berfirman, "Dan sesungguhnya Kami benar-benar menguji kamu agar Kami mengetahui siapa yang berjihad & siapa bersabar di antara kamu"
sometime u feel like want to be a kid without any problems, u can just playing around, happy, running here and there, play all this fun things. However, to grow, u have different situation in your life stage of life, different challenges. As u growing up, it becomes more difficult. if u are having any big challenges in your life now, keep calm and stay strong because YOU ARE GROWING :)
*repost from instagram @sakinahridzuan*
Actually He wants to remind us to focus only to Him
semoga hati kita lebih tenang, hati lebih ikhlas dalam lakukan perkara lain only for the sake of Allah.
hari tu attend small usrah dgn kakak kakak herbalife,
permasalahan hidup ni sebenarnya semua berkaitan dgn iman.
permasalahan hidup yg berpunca dr kelalaian diri sendiri, dan kelalaian itu sbb adanya something lack of keimanan dlm diri.
so check balik hati, iman, amal.
sebenarnya bila hubungan kita dgn Allah baik, everything insyaAllah will be fine
when we have Allah, we have everything.
just dont give up. Allah tgh prepare something yg indah utk kita. or Allah dah prepare, tunggu kita je jadi matang dan bersedia utk terima hadiah indah tu.
keep walking keep running even you fall in the middle of your journey. get back up stronger day by day.
be the best of yourself ;)
terbaca post from yasmin mogehed kat fb :
In your darkness, remember the Light. In your sadness, remember that it was after the greatest sadness (loss of Khadeeja, Abu Talib, then Taif) that Allah gave the Prophet (pbuh) the greatest Nearness (Israa Wal Miraaj: The Night Journey). Allah first took away the Prophet's support from the creation, and then replaced it with the greatest comfort. So if it’s been your “Year of Sadness”, don’t despair.
Ramadan is here. May Allah bless you all with His Nearness.
Ramadan is here. May Allah bless you all with His Nearness.
Ramadan is here. Lets reclaim our heart :')
lose weight/gain weight/ improve health/ improve energy/ nutrition during ramadhan/ earn extra income ?
ask me how. ready to coach u to get the best result.
sakinah ridzuan 0176788717 :)
1 comment:
Betul setiap perkara yang berlaku pasti ada hikmahnya. Kita je yang perlu sabar atas ujian yang berlaku.
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